Wednesday, February 11, 2009

Meet the people of Amway Arena

If you have been to Magic games at all in the last 20 years, you probably have seen all of the people described in this Orlando Sentinel article by Josh Robbins. They are as much a part of the game experience as the game itself.

I have been to plenty of games (and at one time could have probably made this list... still might, now that I think about it even though I have moved away to college) and have seen all of these people. I do not know them personally and this article was great to learn more about the people of Amway Arena.

I have some guys I would like to add to this list. Hopefully they write a second edition in the near future because the Magic have a lot of great and devoted fans.

The Fat Guy

This is a guy I do know pretty well. Sitting near the top of Section 102, he is the quintessential Magic fan. Dressing up completely in what looks like a home-designed shirts. He is great at pumping the fans up, taking laps around the stadium late in games to rile up the crowd. He is probably the one fan that would be allowed on teh court at any time (during a timeout) and no one would ever bat an eye.

The Sign Lady

Way up in the 200 sections, she waits for a point late in the game. A fourth quarter timeout is showtime for her. She displays her homemade signs of encouragement from the railing at the end of the upper bowl were a staple of the teams of the 90s. If I remember her uniform correctly she has some googly-eared head band to go with her Magic getup. I think she is back in the arena now after a short absence, but her signs have been a staple of Magic games and what one fan can do to inspire a team.

Got fan stories? I would love to add to this list, but it has been a while since I have been to a game. There are plenty of great fans at Amway Arena and they are certainly some of the best in the league.

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